Register Plugin

You can register newly-created plugins in Connected Business using the Plugin Manager. Registering would mean that the custom plugin can be used by Connected Business and can later be incorporated into the application through the User Role form.

For developers who want to extend on the functionalities of Connected Business plugin applications, you can visit for more information.

To register a plugin,

  1. Go to System Manager ► Plugins and the Plugin Manager form will be displayed. In the Plugin Manager form, existing plugins and custom plugins are grouped by Developer Name or Publisher Name.
  2. Click on Add Plugin and browse for the location of the plugin DLL.Alternately, you can right-click on the group where you want to add the plugin and select Add Plugin.

    Click Image to Enlarge

  3. Select the custom plugin and click Open to start the registration process. You will be prompted once the plugin is successfully registered.

    Click Image to Enlarge

  4. The registered plugin will be added in the group of existing plugins under the Developer Name or Publisher Name.

    Click Image to Enlarge

To unregister a plugin, select the plugin you want to remove and click on Remove Plugin. Alternately, you can also right click on the plugin and select Remove Plugin.

To remove plugins that are linked to a menu item or inserted in a form or section within the application, any connection related to the form must be removed using the User Role Control, otherwise, the plugin will not be removed.


  • Wednesday, 12 December 2012